Saturday, May 30, 2009

Twas the night 'fore vacation

Twas the night 'fore vacation, and all through the house, everything was packed; the laptop, the mouse.

The suitcases were lined up by the doorway with care.
We hoped they'd all fit, but we didn't know where.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of tumbleweeds danced in their heads.

I couldn't sleep, which meant Chip couldn't either, so we packed up at midnight and then took a breather.

When back in the house we did go to bed, vision of mile markers danced in my head.

We woke the next morning and went straight to working. We loaded the kids up, and boy were they perking. They hooted and hollered and bounced up and down, waved "Good-bye" to Dad and started naming towns.

On to Tucson, Las Cruces, Fort Stockton, San Anton, the Alamo, Katy, Lafayette in week one.

There's Mobile, Atlanta, Virginia Beach too, don't forget D.C., Hilltop, then the Haines crew. But it doesn't end there, we're off to New Jersey where I'll finish this ode with another versey (I know, it's not a real word, but this is creative writing here).

Stay tuned for more chapters....