Friday, May 22, 2009

I can't wait!

As we sat on the back patio talking about the upcoming trip last evening, I decided I really don't want to wait to get going. Alas, leaving early to see more stuff, means more hotel rooms and far too much cost. BUT, we looked at it and decided that leaving one day early would give us a day to visit White Sands National Monument. 275 square miles of white gypsum sand. It seemed like an utterly amazing place to check out. And apparently, you can SLED down some of the dunes in the park! I think that's what cinched it for me. We're now leaving a day earlier.

Today is the first day of summer for us. Surprisingly for Arizona, it's cloudy, cool, even drizzly. A perfect first day out of school for the kids to get their wish. They told me that the first day off, they wanted to sleep in (Claire made it until 7, Ted 9) and watch cartoons all day. So far, they've been able to do that, plus some video games. I, on the other hand, have gotten all of our reservations printed and filed, tour plans printed, listed all the Costcos along our route that sell gas, printed airline reservations for Chip to join us (don't want to forget to pick HIM up), and for my mom to join us (Chicago to Denver), ordered our National Park Pass, and collected the phone numbers of folks we'll need to call along the way.

Claire lost a tooth yesterday afternoon and Grammy suggested that she write the Tooth Fairy a note asking her to leave Claire's tooth so she can take it on vacation to show her grandparents. She wrote the cutest note, and the Tooth Fairy did leave the tooth. Hopefully, she can find us on the east coast in a couple of weeks.

More later!

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