Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to School and I'm Already Planning Next Summer's Trip!

The summer just ended, they kids and I are back at school/work, and we're already talking about how we will travel next summer. The two best trips are the one you just finished and the one you are planning, so I'm right on track.

The current plan is a looooong trip back east. If we can make it happen, Ted will fly to NJ to stay with Grammy, get a job in her area, and do some service work for his CAS certificate at graduation. Chip, Claire, the dog, and I will start driving a week later. We'll meander a bit before we get to Virginia Beach first, then head up to New Jersey to join Ted. We think we'll be able to have Chip go back and forth a time or two on his business flying miles, and Claire and I will visit relatives and site-see. Ted will join us as his schedule allows. And at the end of this probably overly long trip east, Ted, Claire, the dog, and I will drive back to Mesa, AZ.

We'll be doing the whole thing on a dime and trying not to stay with any one family too long so as not to wear out our welcome. We'll get some history in, some culture, some recreation, and a lot of togetherness, and we'll get back just in time to start school again.

Chip has never driven cross-country with us, so this will be a chance to change that. I can't wait!

Oh, as a side-note, I'm less than 5 pounds from my goal weight! More on that in another post later.