Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year, new you...

It's a phrase we've heard before. It can also sound a bit trite, but as it turns out, trite doesn't make it any less true. We're now a few weeks into the new year, 2011. A chance to reflect and start fresh. Here are 59 things I'm glad to get rid of from 2010 and things I'm looking forward to in 2011.

2010 was a year for the record books. The 59 things that I'm glad to say good-bye to from 2010 are the 59 pounds that I lost starting January 1st! I hope none of you find it. It's been strange to see my new body in the mirror and know that it's mine. I'm hopeful that continued exercise will pull some of the extra jiggly places back into shape, but I don't know if that's possible. It's been hard work to lose the weight, but the benefits I've felt physically have been so worth it. I have discovered more stamina, developed more strength, felt more comfortable in my own skin, and felt less joint pain. I have my physical in a couple of months and that will give me some scientific numbers to bolster my resolve. All things to look forward to.

2011 starts well. I'm still on track for my continued maintenance. I'm looking forward to determining my own physical future. I'm looking forward to NOT developing diabetes or hypertension, getting a new bathing suit in a size I haven't worn since high school, looking good in jeans, being able to buy "cute" clothes, and feeling well and pain free more of the time. I'm thankful for my supportive family. They've all gotten behind me in this adventure. They're loving and encouraging and they've actually noticed the weight loss. I want to continue to be a good role model for them. If they can avoid some of the pitfalls I've tripped on along the way, they'll be better off. But if they can't avoid them, at least they'll know that I've been there before and that they can turn it around.

I wish for all of you health, happiness, and a zest for life. Find one new challenge to undertake this year. It can be weight loss, exercise changes, take a class, read a book you've been putting off, conquer a fear, visit somewhere on your list of wish places, resolve to live a "greener" life, learn a new language...I don't know what you should pick, but pick something. We should all keep growing and striving for greatness. Nurture yourself, show compassion to others in your words and actions, do your part to make the world a kinder, better place.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Laurie! I am so happy for all you have accomplished in this past year and I hope that you continue to succeed in your goals for this year, too!
