We're here in Rockford, IL, about an hour from O'Hare. It was a great weather start to the day. Cruised through Ohio, Indiana, and then, with the Sears Tower off in the distance, we see the thunderheads forming. Big, dark, ominous looking clouds that soon enough had lightning coming out of them. They called their friends and soon it was a whole front that we were heading into. We didn't sightsee in Chicago due to our late start in the morning. We got to the airport cell phone lot 45 minutes ahead of Mom's flight. Perfect timing. Except that once Mom landed, the lightning alert in the area prevented the crew from being allowed to unload the luggage from the plane. Mom's waiting time was 90 minutes. That was longer than the whole flight from Philadelphia took. We found out later that the storms we were waiting in (at least we weren't driving in them) were the worst in the country today. 65 mph winds, driving rain, lightning...we blamed Mom.
Our hotel is the finest we've stayed in so far. Nice pool, hot tub, free laundry, reception hour with free wine for Mom and hot dogs for the kids; very nice.
No new pictures today. Tomorrow is a driving day with little to stop and see, but we will stop a few times to break up the monotony. It's supposed to rain on us most of the time. Make it STOP!
We're having a great time, but the road is wearing on all of us. Fresh blood is a good thing. Thanks for coming Mom! Chip will join us in three days and Mom will be tired of us by then and ready to jump ship. My patience wears thinner than it should, but today I met a woman doing laundry who lost her whole house less than a week ago to fire. I can find the patience to enjoy myself. My life is wonderfully blessed.
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