I suppose that IF you're able to patiently wait for something and remain calm, have an inner peace about your waiting, and not fret every little detail 10 times because you have time on your hands, then it is a virtue. And I lack it.
My waiting is not peaceful or calm, so maybe I'm NOT being patient; I'm just waiting. Waiting for people to get back to me about parts of the journey, waiting for packages that were ordered in plenty of time to arrive before we leave (but still haven't!), waiting for time zone changes so I can make phone calls, waiting for the kids to get up so we can do our "To Do" list, and finally, waiting for the day to leave. Deep breaths, prayer, meditation, exercise, and distraction are what I need!
The kids are on their best behavior. Minimal bickering, good moods, and helpful attitudes (voluntarily) prevail. I had to ask them what was up? They said they're just so happy the trip is right around the corner. They can't wait to see their grandparents. They want to go to Canada. "Who else are we seeing, Mom?", "What time do we leave?", "Where is our first stop again?", "How many of the hotels have swimming pools?". A litany of questions. I'm glad. I said I didn't want to do this trip if they weren't excited, and they sure are.
Well they're getting up now, so I'll get started on today's list. Pray for patience!
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