Friday, August 24, 2012

What a year!

Sometimes life gets away from us all and you need to take a moment to reflect on the changes.

First the good...I finished my Library Certifications! Yay for me! We also went to Disney World in Florida, the kids and I drove and Chip flew. We drove back and forth and visited family for a month. Kids are well, Chip is well, I'm o.k. We have a new cat, Taffy and a new dog, Skye. They're the best pets ever. Chip and I are both still gainfully employed, though Chip's is a new employer. The kids are doing amazingly well in school. My mom's ankle is all healed. And we have a new, lower interest mortgage. That's great!

The less than great? Chip's father passed away in the late spring. Chip's new job does require a lot more short term traveling. We worry about our parents (as I'm sure, even though we're grown, they worry about us). These are just a handful of stressors.

I am slowly gaining weight back and need to get it under control. There are a variety of things going on that are contributing to this. We've had a bunch of stressful events over the last 18 months that have made it difficult to control stress eating, but for a while I was handling it. Then, the stressful events recede and I have a few health issues that are impacting my ability to exercise the way I had been at my lowest weight. Now, I can't do the same things I once did, and I'm not willing to give up the food I was able to eat when I was walking 4 miles a day. I'm just not happy to give it up and it's showing.

I'm not sure what I'm waiting for to get back on the plan, but I'm apparently waiting for some great sign. I think what I'm waiting for is actually the heel pain to be cured. It's stressful, depressing, painful, and I'm angry at it for keeping me from doing what I want to do.

I'll try to check in more often if for no other reason than to be accountable by seeing it in writing for me.