Ahhh, the second week slow-down. It was still a success however. This week was a 2.8 pound loss, for a total of 7.2 pounds! I'm happy to say that I'm still feeling great about the experience and am striving on.
So far the biggest lesson for me? I'm repeating myself, but the importance of tracking can't be overstated. At this early stage of the game, I NEED to track it all. Every bite, every nibble...gotta track it all.
This week's goal from WW is to add 10 minutes a day of activity on top of whatever else you're doing. I missed it day 1 and 2, but have uncovered the elliptical in the corner of the t.v. room and will hit it tomorrow morning.
Each week's goal doesn't replace the previous week's; it's cumulative. So now, I
should be tracking at least 10 of the meals each week (done), and have 10 meals that qualify as a "filling food" (difficult for me), having an additional 10 minutes of activity every day. What will come next week?
My goal is to not have too many of my points go for non-nutritional items. I mean, I could drink 30 cups of sugar free hot chocolate and stay within the points I'm allowed to have, but that's not exactly a balanced diet. Balance in all things. That's always a struggle for me. I don't seem to have it. I think that there are so many different parts of my life to balance that it's hard to keep the plates spinning. I feel like, if I
could do it, so many stresses would mellow and I probably wouldn't be overweight at all. I will try to be more balanced in all things. That will help me more than anything else.
Off topic, this rain is really quite something. When we moved to Arizona, we heard about "the rainy season" and laughed! I mean really, how much rain are they talking about? We're winding up year 5 here and thus far haven't witnessed a
real rainy season. We've been below average precipitation every year! This year is only 3 weeks old and I think we're going to hit the entire year's amount in the next 2 days.
OK, I just looked it up and am getting a variety of averages, but they're all under 10 inches a year. We've gotten a third of that in the past 3 days. It is tapering off though and maybe we'll see some sunshine by Sunday or Monday. Then we can have no rain again until the monsoon season this summer :).
The kids are begging to go up to Flagstaff to play in the snow. We'll have to do that this year. In past years, we've gone north and found some snow to play in an turned around and come home. This time I think we'd like to go play, stay the night, and play again the next day. We'll see.
Well I'll sign off for now and post more about being less later.